Building upon more than 20 years of China and international change experience we provide consulting services related to organizational development, culture and change.
We support our clients in building high performance organizations that are innovative, agile, competitive and customer- and growth-oriented.
We support our clients during times of major change and strategic reorientation.
We support our clients in building organizations that reinvent themselves and continunally work on creating a brighter future.
We support our clients in building organizations that are viewed as employers of choice in their industry and excel because of the high motivation and performance of their organizational members.
Workshops & Training Solutions
Our workshops and training solutions are part of a wider effort to develop the organization and its capabilities, they create new channels for intra-company communication and dialogue, and build greater unity, determination and alignment around commonly shared values purposes, and vision. They are forming organizational identity.
Our workshops and training solutions are designed as learning in action, as experiential and experimental learning activities, and as result-oriented interventions building organizational capability.
Coaching is an integral part of our organizational development solutions.
We conduct individual coaching sessions as part of leadership development programs.
We provide executive coaching solutions.
We facilitate group and team coaching programs .